BSB Communications BSB Blast

January 2019

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BSB Communications has been providing Telecommunication services for 34 years. Check out our video to
see how we Focus on discovering the right solution for your business by leveraging our Expertise, to
provide you with the best Results in the latest technology.

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BSB Legacy Customers Special 50% Promotion

Legacy system and new system comparison Attention Owners Of:

  • InterTel
  • Mitel (Formerly InterTel 5000 / CS Controllers)
  • ShoreTel
  • Toshiba

If you have been waiting to find the right time to update your current phone system, That Time is Now!

How Secure Are Your Passwords?

  • 97 percent of organizations had at least one security issue
  • 72 percent had stealthy administrators, i.e. end users with excessive administrative privileges that could be used or manipulated by malicious actors
  • 61 percent had more than one account with stealthy administrator privileges
  • 32 percent of networks had some passwords exposed in their group policy preferences; any authenticated user could recover these passwords
Hacker sitting at computer with password screen

BSB Buzz: Meet Laurie Card

Laurie Card Laurie Card has been a valued employee with BSB Communications since March 2013 and is located in our Midland office. She is the mother of two twin boys whom are 26 years old. One of Laurie’s sons lives in Midland, employed by the Dow Chemical Co. Laurie’s other son is in the United States Navy (currently stationed in Groton, Connecticut with his wife and children). They have been blessed Laurie with two wonderful grandchildren; a boy who is 4 years old and a girl who is 2 years old. Laurie spends every year during Thanksgiving break in Groton, Connecticut with her son and his family.

Software Assurance Corner

Important Announcement regarding Support & Mitel:

Premium Software Assurance Now offers Another Layer of ProtectionWe all understand the importance of having Software Assurance and what Standard Software Assurance gives you:

8×5 Tier 3-4 Technical Support

  • Local business hours
  • Technical inquiry and case management (resolution of reported incidents or issues)
Standard software assurance

What Our Customers Are Saying

Customer support Ten years ago, BHB Investment Holdings opened it’s first Goldfish Swim School franchise in Farmington Hills, MI. Now, with nine locations in Michigan, Indiana, New York, and Florida, our relationship with BSB is indispensable.

BSB Communications Focused • Expertise • Results

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